It’s Sunday, It’s Time for the DX Group Net

03/03/2024, Delta Romeo Dx Group Net,Frequency, 27.365MHz,Mode, USB,Time, 10.00-12.00 Although we may start early,Sunday 25th, we had a fun filled day , many mistakes and errors by the host…ME, I apologise to all those that were caught up in the melee for their patience and understanding, pain levels since the accident have been even higher […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

März 4, 2024 - 00:00
 0  15
It’s Sunday, It’s Time for the DX Group Net
03/03/2024, Delta Romeo Dx Group Net,Frequency, 27.365MHz,Mode, USB,Time, 10.00-12.00 Although we may start early,Sunday 25th, we had a fun filled day , many mistakes and errors by the host…ME, I apologise to all those that were caught up in the melee for their patience and understanding, pain levels since the accident have been even higher […]

(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

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