*Look At* Jopix CB-514

SO here it is I guess another part to make the trilogy. First up was the PNI Escort HP-82 then followed by the Thunderpole T-X and now the Jopix CB-514. What’s sure are the Randyesque ideas with this radio. Chassis is the CB-272 from Nanfone, NRC is the older style of NRC (initial factory) and […]

Okt 11, 2023 - 00:00
 0  87
*Look At* Jopix CB-514

SO here it is I guess another part to make the trilogy. First up was the PNI Escort HP-82 then followed by the Thunderpole T-X and now the Jopix CB-514. What’s sure are the Randyesque ideas with this radio. Chassis is the CB-272 from Nanfone, NRC is the older style of NRC (initial factory) and the PNI and Jopix are almost identical in every way where as the Thunderpole is different. Signal Meter, Display options where the Jopix and PNI don’t come so far with export mode. The Thunderpole does of course.

Geoff asked me if possible to read and write to the radio with the software? Tried it and yes it’s possible. Above are the initial read from my radio and did change U.K. Deviation to 197 and wrote it. Then afterwards reverted to 213 which it came with.

Jopix 514 & Sigma Eurocomm 5/8 = Portugal

More about this radio soon….

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