Mr Needlebender 35’s DX-Electronics Communications Radio….

Ok prototype 1) this is 6 digit frequency display that can generate display in 2 ways thru directly inputting RF into it or thru stray RF to an antenna in the back of the counter it’s in early stages it can also display on SSB. Thru a 10k tone stay tuned for availability coming soon […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Mai 15, 2024 - 00:00
 0  21
Mr Needlebender 35’s DX-Electronics Communications Radio….
Ok prototype 1) this is 6 digit frequency display that can generate display in 2 ways thru directly inputting RF into it or thru stray RF to an antenna in the back of the counter it’s in early stages it can also display on SSB. Thru a 10k tone stay tuned for availability coming soon […]

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