*NEW CB ANTENNA* At K-PO Sirio Monsoon

Launched by Helmut Frequenzwaschl and not even on Sirio page comes the all new Sirio Monsoon. We’ve a few photos from K-PO site and also a brief description. Price around €130 The Sirio Monsoon is a new 10-11 meter base station antenna with a bottom tuning system, tunable between 26-30 MHz.  Big coil made of […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

März 30, 2024 - 00:00
 0  38
*NEW CB ANTENNA* At K-PO Sirio Monsoon
Launched by Helmut Frequenzwaschl and not even on Sirio page comes the all new Sirio Monsoon. We’ve a few photos from K-PO site and also a brief description. Price around €130 The Sirio Monsoon is a new 10-11 meter base station antenna with a bottom tuning system, tunable between 26-30 MHz.  Big coil made of […]

(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

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