*PNI Has Landed* PNI Escort HP82

Interesting implementation of how the radio does thing. And not in a bad way. Press and hold BAND and use up and down to go through them. One alteration if I was asked would be to change the U.K. / CE to U.K. and EU which would be better for sales in my opinion. Have […]

Mai 12, 2023 - 15:02
 0  13
*PNI Has Landed* PNI Escort HP82

Interesting implementation of how the radio does thing. And not in a bad way. Press and hold BAND and use up and down to go through them. One alteration if I was asked would be to change the U.K. / CE to U.K. and EU which would be better for sales in my opinion. Have asked about this PNI on Monday

There seems confusion about PC Programming. There is no software to change bands, or add special stuff like with CRT9900 and or other “PC Programmable” Radios. There is a software that allows people to change only way ASQ behaves, High & Low Power and some deviation across EU, AM and U.K. within parameters. So like a software engineer mode and this when ready hopefully not on general release as watch radios pile up faulty. SO please don’t buy it based on PC to change or edit bands etc as this I don’t know and haven’t seen. Also maybe no export mode inside I’m sort of told. BUT radio not around in bulk shipment yet so we need wait another 4-6 weeks to see what’s going to happen. Please be patient.

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