*VIDEO* d Band For German Friends (GE2)

A video was asked by some German Funkerfreund and my pleasure of course to show you. And you will see in the menu REPEAT or Relais is there for you. Hope it has helped in some ways. Please download the German manual and it’s all there and really it’s true ! The function is included. […]

August 23, 2023 - 00:00
 0  11
*VIDEO* d Band For German Friends (GE2)

A video was asked by some German Funkerfreund and my pleasure of course to show you. And you will see in the menu REPEAT or Relais is there for you. Hope it has helped in some ways. Please download the German manual and it’s all there and really it’s true ! The function is included. Cervus Simon

And please remember. This radio and all of the others are EU designed, EU thoughts, EU ideas, many hours of brainstorming and rethinking and change and then test and change and test again. It’s only production in the far east. Imagine to make this in Germany, England or France it would be prohibitive expensive. Plus LONG warranty on the device also. So when someone illiterate tells you it’s “just an anytone” ignore them and smile as you know the truth. Engineered, Drawn, Conceived in Europe. And just because it may look familiar doesn’t always mean it is. And That’s why the long warranty too..

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