*VIDEO* HP82 NRC & Questions

Lots of messages about NRC. The biggest question is about why there seems a delay and increased volume before it drops down again. This is the nature of the beast. Meaning the audio heads into a chip / DSP idea and this needs to start. So it’s a temporary thing. Those Voices Yes this is […]

August 19, 2023 - 17:08
 0  12
*VIDEO* HP82 NRC & Questions

Lots of messages about NRC. The biggest question is about why there seems a delay and increased volume before it drops down again. This is the nature of the beast. Meaning the audio heads into a chip / DSP idea and this needs to start. So it’s a temporary thing. Those Voices Yes this is also sometimes happening on the fixed NRC you think you hear a voice and turn off NRC and it vanishes. The newer adjustable NRC doesn’t have this issue as much as the fixed. But you’re not going mad it happens.

And YES I’m told it’s possible to install the PNI echo board inside the radio too!

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